Why Study Esther Part 1

Jun 17, 2024    Pastor Holly Smith

The book of Esther is more than a book about a woman written for women. It has some really powerful teachings in it that are important within the full context of the Bible.

In this session, we're encouraged to put aside our preconceived ideas about the book of Esther and reflect on how much of our own lives intersect with this book – every twist and turn, zig and zag, mountain and valley is part of God working out a plan of redemption.

Be sure to have your Bible, a pen, and paper as you sit down to listen to this session.

Here are the journaling prompts:

1. When have you felt as if your life was crumbling? Was this season due to sinful rebellion, a spiritual stronghold, or unexpected suffering?

2. Read Paul's testimony in 1 Corinthians 15:9-11. God tears down lies in order to rebuild truth. Think back on those seasons you mentioned, the times when it felt like your life was crumbling, and write down what you learned about God. In hindsight, how did He reverse your bad situations and decisions for good?

3. Have you ever studied the book of Esther? If you answered yes, what previous thoughts on this book of the Bible are you carrying into your study?

4. Read Psalm 119:73-74 and write out these verses in the space below.

5. Write a prayer of surrender, expectation, and praise to the Lord today that you can refer back to as you continue studying the book of Esther.



"The Lord has established His throne in the heavens, and his kingdom rules over all."